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Table 3 Characteristics of the participants and calling

From: Calling situated: a survey among medical students supplemented by a qualitative study and a comparison with a surveyed sample of physicians

Categorical variables

With calling (n = 428)

Without calling (n = 620)

Test statistic (d.f.2)

p value1

Female [%(#)]

Male [%(#)]

Non-binary [%(#)]

69.39 (297)

29.91 (128)

0.7 (3)

66.45 (412)

32.74 (203)

0.81 (5)

χ2(1) = 1.01


Years in university


  B1 [%(#)]

46.73 (200)

26.77 (166)


  B2 [%(#)]

12.62 (54)

15.81 (98)


  B3 [%(#)]

17.06 (73)

12.9 (80)


  M1 [%(#)]

8.41 (36)

12.26 (76)


  M2 [%(#)]

10.05 (43)

16.94 (105)

χ2(5) = 69.17

 < 0.0001****

  M3 [%(#)]

5.14 (22)

15.32 (95)

  1. 1NS no significance
  2. 2d.f degrees of freedom