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Table 1 Differences and similarities in the profession of physiotherapy in Poland and Germany

From: Perceptions of Polish and German physiotherapists about their professional education and development: a cross-sectional nonrandomized questionnaire cohort study

Characteristics of physiotherapy profession



Number of schools/programs

66 (40 public, 26 non-public entities)

A total of 122 vocational programs and undergraduate courses (14 undergraduate courses in non-public entities, with State exam 108 vocational schools, private and state-owned)




Accreditation body

Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna

(Polish Accreditation Committee)


(Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs)

Each of the 16 federal states (Bundesland) has its own specific requirements. Educational programs do not always comply with curricula adopted in other federal states.

Professional bodies

Polskie Towarzystwo Fizjoterapii (Polish Society of Physiotherapists), Stowarzyszenie Fizjoterapia Polska (Polish Physiotherapy Association), Polskie Stowarzyszenie Specjalistów Fizjoterapii (Polish Association of Physiotherapy Specialists), Krajowa Izba Fizjoterapii (Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists)

Physio Deutschland (Physio Germany) – nationwide organization with separate branches in 16 German states,

Vpt – Verband fur Physiotherapie (Association for Physiotherapy)

VDB – Physiotherapieverband (Physiotherapy Association) – these are private entities

Licensing bodies

Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists

Ministry for Social Affairs and Health, specific to each federal state; after documents are received from the school confirming positive result in theoretical and practical state examination.

Requirements for licensing

From 2019, status of physiotherapist is awarded to individuals who completed 5-year Master degree courses, or 3-year undergraduate and 2-year graduate courses.

Status of physiotherapist is awarded to those who have completed 3-year vocational course at Berufschule or undergraduate course, who has passed practical and theoretical state exam.

Requirement for continuing professional education

No specific requirements; self-selected specialisation in physiotherapy (senior assistant in physiotherapy) completed as a post-graduate course

No specific requirements; self-selected specialisation in physiotherapy completed in courses conducted by vocational schools and undergraduate programs.