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Table 3 Theme 2

From: Learning on the run – a qualitative, longitudinal study of pharmacy educators’ experiences implementing a hospital pharmacy residency program

Theme 2: It takes a village to raise a village - effort, support, and resources needed


Example of quotes from transcripts

2.1 Resource requirements – workload constraints

It’s not just the educator; it’s not just a single person raising the village. It’s up to everybody to be engaged in this. E5, FG1

I think it’s been an increase in workload and responsibility, which is both good and bad for everybody, not just the residents and the educators, but the team leaders as well… E10, FG2

…. I think the team leaders initially, they were often the mentors, and they were over-committed, whereas now, we’ve got mentors who are often people who’ve done the residency before or not necessarily a team leader, and I think that’s really been good. E1, I3

2.2 Resources requirements – skill sets required

It has been a step up for the clinical educators but it’s also been a huge step up for middle management, I suppose, and people who have been in the system for say 20 years who have managed, this is quite a new concept. There are people before who never had to give feedback, haven’t had to use some of the tools, and now all of a sudden, they need to do all those tasks. E10, FG2

What I’m finding is probably the change over the years is that initially we had very limited support when it came to our senior pharmacists actually having that experience with research to then support residents. E7, FG4

… the university have partnered with us, and we basically do like a panel review of their research early on, ... all that support that’s sort of needed to have a good quality project at the end… and that seems to have been a really big winner for our residents. E13, FG4

… with the capacity to actually train, probably the biggest evolution is our graduate residents. The most effective trainers of the residency that I have on my staff, pretty much, because they know the program. So my capacity to do the training program has increased. E15, FG3