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Table 7 Themes of asynchronous sessions which would support student learning

From: Student physiotherapists perceptions of online curriculum delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic

Theme: Pre-reading materials

Earlier access to pre-reading materials

‘It would be useful to view materials related to teaching earlier to provide us with an opportunity to read/digest information.’

‘Pre-recorded materials to be recorded in “chunks” rather than whole sessions and not just recorded live sessions from previous years would be most useful’.

‘Earlier access the better as it’s difficult to always follow-up with suggested material after the lecture when you’re moving onto the next topic.’

Variety of pre-reading resources

‘I enjoyed listening to the pre-records more like podcasts, so being able to separately review slides later was beneficial (i.e., without having to review a 50min video recording to see the slides).’

‘Links to associated articles prior to the lectures helped with overall understanding.’

Theme: Academic Input

Follow-up discussion with academic faculty

‘Reflection / pre-post evaluation of learning objectives with staff to show understanding gained through session would be beneficial.’

‘Attaching a Padlet or something similar so that any further questions could be addressed with the lecturer.’

Additional support sessions

‘Providing a forum for questions rather than having to email lecturers individually for answers.’

‘Additional one-offs ask the lecturer events or more structured additional touch points needed to ensure a similar experience as face-to-face teaching.’

‘Lecturers often difficult to contact so structured question and answer sessions immediately following timetabled recorded sessions would provide a structure and an opportunity to gain understanding.’

Theme: Learning validation

Interactive approaches to post session understanding

‘It would supplement our learning if we were given short quizzes on what was just discussed to make sure we understood the key points.’

‘Possibly an exit quiz or discussion board at the end of each session to make sure I’ve appreciated the key take home messages.’

Variety of learning opportunities

‘Session content should be reinforced in following synchronous sessions.’

‘Having a variety of post session engagement tasks including summary slides/question boards monitored by tutors would provide me with confidence in my understanding.’