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Table 3 List of prompt interview questions

From: Perspectives of general practitioners towards their supervisors over the past ten years in China

1. How satisfied are you with your GP theoretical training supervisors? Are they helpful to you during your training experience?

2. How satisfied are you with your GP hospital-based training supervisors? Are they helpful to you during your training experience?

3. How satisfied are you with your GP community training supervisors? Are they helpful to you during your training experience?

4. How familiar are your GP hospital-based training supervisors with community health affairs?

5. What progress could be made by specialist supervisors during your training experience in the clinical training context?

6. Are your supervisors conscientious regarding their teaching work?

7. Are your supervisors responsible with respect to their teaching work?

8. Are your supervisors skilled at their teaching work?

9. Do you receive helpful feedback from your supervisors?

10. If possible, describe an unhelpful experience with your supervisors. Why did this experience occur?

11. Do you enjoy keeping in contact with your supervisors after finishing the training program?

12. What is your overall advice to the whole training management staff?