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Table 5 Values and Principles to Guide the Curriculum Framework (Redwood Campbell 2009)

From: An undergraduate medical education framework for refugee and migrant health: Curriculum development and conceptual approaches

Social justice

fair and impartial access to the benefits of society including the right to health


living and working within the limits of available physical, natural and social resources in ways that allow living systems to thrive in perpetuity


multidirectional sharing and exchange of experience and knowledge among collaborating partners


for the history, context, values and cultures of communities with whom we engage

Honesty and openness

in planning and implementation of all collaborations


in recognizing our own values, biases, limitations, and abilities

Responsiveness and accountability

to students and faculty and diverse communities with whom we are involved


promoting the just distribution of resources and access, especially with respect to marginalized and vulnerable groups


ensuring that objectives are aligned with those of the communities with which we are working