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Table 9 Test the subjects’ self-efficacy values before and after training(\(\overline{x}\pm s\))

From: A case study: a continuous improvement project of lecturing skills for clinical teachers in Chinese residency standardized training

Key Behaviors

Stage I (May 2020)

Stage II (June 2020)

Key Behavior 1: Content

80.71 ± 13.58

83.41 ± 8.11*

Key Behavior 2: Beginning

75.54 ± 15.42

83.97 ± 7.75***

Key Behavior 3: Main Body

78.35 ± 14.39

84.41 ± 7.66***

Key Behavior 4: Ending

76.33 ± 14.48

85.23 ± 7.55***

Key Behavior 5: Presentation

76.02 ± 14.85

84.26 ± 7.84***

  1. Comparison of the self-efficacy values before and after training: * is P<0.05, *** is P<0.001