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Table 1 Schedule of the interprofessional tutor qualification program

From: Opening up a tailored tutor qualification program for medical students to other healthcare students – a mixed-method study



Teaching methods

First day: Didactics/teaching methods

 40 min

Getting to know and learn about each other

Sociometric formation, speed dating

 20 min


Table group and plenum session

 60 min

Tasks and roles of a tutor

Table group and plenum session

 30 min

Basics of learning, teaching and didactics [42,43,44,45]


 90 min

Design of entry and exit phases of tutorials

Role play

 60 min

Motivation of participants, experiences of current tutors

Plenum discussion with experienced tutors

Second day: Group leadership

 60 min

Previous experience with groups and leadership

Circle of chairs, exchange, reflection

 30 min

Perception exercises

Moving exercise

 60 min

Rank dynamics, team roles and group phases [46, 47]

Theoretical input and role play

 30 min

Group leadership and leadership styles [48]

Small working group and plenum session

 90 min

Dealing with resistance and disruptive factors, theme-centred interaction (TCI) [49]

Theoretical input, working on case studies in small working groups

 30 min

Summary, outlook, evaluation


  1. In 2020 we added an input on online learning at the beginning of the second day, replaced the role play on group phases and team roles with team-building games and did more outdoor exercises due to the pandemic situation