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Table 1 Version Nine of Questionnaire Items on BST (Bedside Teaching) for pilot testing. Items with stars (*) were excluded after statistical analysis

From: Validation of a questionnaire exploring patient attitudes towards bedside teaching

1. Taking part in BST could be an enjoyable experience for me

2. It would give me satisfaction to feel that I could help in the education of future generations of healthcare professionals by participating in BST

3. Medical terms used during BST which I do not understand should be explained to me

4. If I felt stressed or was feeling unwell I should not be asked to participate in BST

5. By participating in BST I could possibly learn more about my condition than I had previously known*

6. Hearing details about my condition being discussed in BST may make me feel anxious*

7. I think it is important to check what the students would do with the information they hear about me during BST

8. Before participating in BST the students should get my verbal consent

9. Before participating in BST the students should get my written consent

10. I am happy to help teach midwives

11. I am happy to help teach junior doctors

12. I am happy to help teach medical students

13. It is important to me that the team remains professional throughout BST

14. I feel if asked to participation in BST I would be able to say no*

15. I feel proud that pregnant women are in a unique position to help to educate students about pregnancy during BST

16. I am happy to follow the advice of a midwife or doctor when it comes to making a decision for clinical care

17. Do you have anything to add that you think may be important for us to know?