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Table 2 Medical students’ impressions of online classes, in the different assessed teaching types

From: Active methodologies association with online learning fatigue among medical students




P value

N (%) or median (IQR)

N (%) or median (IQR)

Is participating in the videoconference enjoyable for you?

 Not even a little

19 (33.9%)

70 (21.1%)


 A little

14 (25.5%)

132 (39.9%)



11 (19.6%)

63 (19.0%)


 A lot

1 (1.8%)

16 (4.8%)



14 (25.5%)

132 (39.9%)


How often/number of times a day do you participate in video conferences, on average? (numeric)

3 (2;4)

Range (0–8)

4 (3;4)

Range (0–12)

 < 0.001

How many minutes are there, on average, between the videoconferences?

15 (10;30)

20 (15;20)


What is your average concentration span, in minutes, during a videoconference call?

30 (20;45)

30 (25;45)


What is your average concentration span, in minutes, during an in-person class?

60 (45;83)

55 (40;60)


If you have tutoring/discussion of clinical cases, how many sessions do you have per week? (numeric)

2 (2;3)

2 (2;2)


If you have tutoring, how long, in hours, does each tutoring session last on average?

3 (2;4)

3 (2;3)
