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Table 5 Resident statements of reflection regarding one thing they had done differently in continuity clinic because of the simulation exercise

From: Using simulation to increase resident comfort discussing social determinants of health

“Screening patients (usually low weight) for food insecurity”

“Utilized those skills to open the convo about these topics”

“Talking about uncomfortable things like ACEs/food insecurity with ease”

“Write letter to landlord and discuss food insecurity”

“Offered to write letters, let families know that they have a right to ask”

“I feel I remember to ask about food insecurity more often”

“I’ve been more explicit asking about food insecurity, etc.”

“Asking more direct and specific questions regarding housing, transportation, or food insecurity.”

“Know community resources, to be aware of the adversity and to ask about it”

“Asked more directly about [sic]SDoH.”

“Deliberately look at the food insecurity portion of the survey”