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Table 2 Question route used for focus groups

From: Teaching the technical performance of bronchoscopy to residents in a step-wise simulated approach: factors supporting learning and impacts on clinical work – a qualitative analysis

How much experience with bronchoscopy did you have before the workshop?

How did you experience the bronchoscopy workshop?

The workshop had four phases:

- Presentation of the bronchoscope (set-up, preparation for bronchoscopy)

- Exercises using the wooden box

- Introduction to the anatomy of the bronchial tree

- Practice on the 3D printed model of a bronchial tree

Which factors helped in your learning during these phases?

Were there any factors that tended to hinder your learning?

Which aspects of the workshop were helpful for your learning?

How did you experience the sequence?

What did you expect to learn from the workshop?

What did you learn from the workshop?

Did you enjoy the workshop?

For what reasons would you recommend the workshop to other residents in our clinic?

How could the workshop be further improved?

In an ideal world with infinite financial and human resources, how should a bronchoscopy workshop be designed?