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Table 1 Content, duration and objectives of each part of the half-day workshop

From: Teaching the technical performance of bronchoscopy to residents in a step-wise simulated approach: factors supporting learning and impacts on clinical work – a qualitative analysis




Duration (min)

Objectives: After this part of the workshop, the residents will…



- Reflection on the use of bronchoscopy in anaesthesia (group meeting with flipchart)

30 min

- have refreshed their knowledge about the indications for bronchoscopy in anaesthesia


-Introduction to bronchoscopes (PowerPoint® presentation and examination of various bronchoscopes)


- be able to name the components of the bronchoscope and explain their function


- be able to prepare a bronchoscope for use on the patient



Manoeuvring two different bronchoscopes through holes in a wooden box

60 min

- be able to coordinate the movements of their hands with the manipulation of the tip of the bronchoscope, to manoeuvre the bronchoscope through the holes of the wooden boards




30–45 min




Introduction to human airway anatomy (PowerPoint® presentation)

30 min

- have refreshed their knowledge of the bronchial tree and its parts



Manoeuvring two different bronchoscopes through a three-dimensional printed airway

60 min

- have learned to move the bronchoscope through a human airway


- have started to practice a structured bronchoscopy, with inspection of the different parts of the bronchial tree, one after the other


- think of bronchoscopy as a valuable skill