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Table 1 Percentage of participants who chose ‘Agree’ or ‘Strongly Agree’ in response to survey questions (n=187)

From: Conducting online OSCEs aided by a novel time management web-based system

Survey Question

Percent choosing Agree or Strongly Agree

1. The written guide provided was helpful for me to understand how the system will work.

93.0 %

2. The demo videos provided were helpful for me to understand how the system will work.

85.0 %

3. The orientation session was helpful for me to understand how the system will work.

82.9 %

4. During the OSCE exam, the Time Management System worked well to help with synchronized movement from station to station.

88.2 %

5. Overall, I am satisfied with the OSCE Time Management System as a good way of synchronizing movement from station to station.

91.4 %