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Table 3 Items of Presence Scale for Lab-based Microworld Research (PLBMR) for German and English trainees [19]. Items with an (R) are negatively worded and have to be reversed-scored

From: Change of collective orientation through an interprofessional training with medical students and student nurses depending on presence and professional group


Translated into English

Introduction: You will now read a series of statements that each describe their perception of the simulation world. Indicate to what extend the statement applies. The size of the number correlates with the approval. Three examples were given with big approval and big dislike. Items could be answered on a 6-point-Likert-scale from 1 (“trifft nicht zu”/ “I totally disagree”) to 6 (“trifft vollständig zu”/ “I totally agree”).

Ich habe mich als Teil der Simulationswelt gefühlt.

I felt like I was part of the Simworld.

Die Simulationswelt hat bei mir Emotionen (z.B. Ärger, Traurigkeit, Zufriedenheit) ausgelöst.

The simulation world triggered my emotions (e.g. anger, sadness, satisfaction)

Die Arbeit mit der Simulationswelt war für mich zufriedenstellend.

Working in the simulation world was satisfying for me.

Während ich in der Simulation war, habe ich zwischenzeitlich vergessen, dass ich an einer Studie teilnehme.

While operating the simulation, I forgot for the time being that I was taking part in a study.

Die Arbeit in der Simulationswelt war für mich langweilig (R).

Working in the simulation world was boring for me.

Während ich in der Simulation war, bin ich gedanklich in die Simulationswelt abgetaucht.

While operating the simulation, my thoughts became immersed in the simulation world.