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Table 1 Thematic analysis of the students’ course feedback

From: RE-AIMing COVID-19 online learning for medical students: a massive open online course evaluation

Framework Element


Example Quote


Knowing the general information on COVID-19

I had a lot of information regarding each topic provided within this course. In this course, I was able to learn more details and specifics on approaches to treatment. (292 W)

Various sources of information gathering

I have regularly followed the guidelines shared by the Ministry of Health and WHO compared to the course content. That’s why I felt like I was in control of the issues in general. (463 M)

Broadcast and media effect on COVID-19 knowledge

I had some information that I read from the news and heard from the media. I was also looking up the details but this course provided me a lot of information that I was curious about. (1628 W)


Basic medical knowledge on COVID-19

I have learned the contamination sources, and that mothers can breastfeed their babies with a mask by following the hygiene rules. (756 W)

Process management of the pandemic in public health

I learned what surveillance and radiological methods are and why they are done. (125 W)

Diagnosis and treatment algorithms to approach patients with possible COVID-19 and/or risk groups

I had knowledge about how to approach patients, but I did not have a complete command of the algorithms. I have learned better now about contamination times and locations. (600 W)

Diagnosis and treatment of patients with possible COVID-19

Since the universities were closed with the start of the pandemic, I was able to continue to learn with my own efforts. I only had some basic information that I had learned from microbiology / infection internships. But now, I have learned comprehensive information on many topics such as the approach to the patient and personal protection methods. (371 W)

Health of healthcare workers

I have learned better how I can better protect myself against COVID-19, and prevent transmission to colleagues and patients. At the end of the course I felt more confident and stress free. (318 W)


Online teaching during the quarantine times

I think it is definitely the best investment I have made for myself during the quarantine, in the process that we are excited to be an intern in these difficult days and we are very excited about being a doctor. (907 W)

Course recommendation with perceived benefits

I really enjoyed this course - it was very well-organized and interactive. I learned many new things regarding COVID-19, especially information that is relevant to the clinic/ hospital setting. Highly recommended to anyone working in the healthcare field. (2020 W)


Use of online platform and Instructional design

The course was overall well above what I expected. The content design was very well-organized. I like that step-by-step, different interactions at each step, short question-answer when necessary, and supported with videos. It kept my interest and gave me directions at each step to think about more on the topics. It has been a useful program by keeping the attention solid, without just going through it. (458 W)

Standardization on knowledge of the COVID-19

Supporting the intern training in this way provided equal opportunity to everyone to learn standardized and centrally distributed information which was provided from the experts in the field. I hope there will be other similar courses in the future. (219 M)

Content improvement

I think a more effective course can be done with more visual materials and live lectures. A platform can be created where we can listen to experts and general practitioners who have been in the field and experienced the approach to the pandemic. (1687 W)


Updating current practices and algorithms

I would love to learn current treatment procedures for COVID-19. Especially, we hear from our peers that a different guideline has started to be used from the world. I would like to learn in detail the approach and diagnosis stages of the world as well as our country’s approach to the COVID-19 treatment. (1339 M)

Following up on the unknown topics during the pandemic

I would like to know about new drug and vaccine development studies for COVID 19, approaches to the patients with COVID-19, and epidemiological data from different countries. (1096 M)

Changes in patient management

I would prefer more concrete examples on the topics. For example, like a case report, the complete findings of a patient, their examinations and results (e.g., lung X-ray, CT image, blood work, blood gas), applied treatments, and clinical course could be more effective for our learning. (1784 W)

Stress management

I would like to know more about stress management. In the current period, I think that the most tiring situation for me will be psychological wear rather than the physical work. The most important things will be the attitudes of patients and their relatives, our communication style with our colleagues and the level of working conditions. I would like to get personal views from different people who are actively working on how they handle these situations. (501 W)