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Table 1 Summary of e-learning modules; modules are accessible at:

From: Evaluation of an international medical E-learning course with natural language processing and machine learning

Module Name

LearniLearning Objectives

IMAGINE: Included Patients and How to Find Them

â—‹ Know the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the IMAGINE project

â—‹ Be able to apply them to patients for the IMAGINE project, correctly identifying which patients need including and excluding

Gastrointestinal Function

â—‹ Have an understanding of the GI-2 measure for gastrointestinal recovery

â—‹ Know the components assessed for gastrointestinal function

â—‹ Be able to find the relevant data for gastrointestinal function in IMAGINE

The Clavien-Dindo Classification

â—‹ Understand the Clavien-Dindo classification and its importance

â—‹ Know the different grades of the Clavien-Dindo classification

â—‹ Find the relevant information you need in the clinical setting to assign a Clavien-Dindo grade

â—‹ Apply the Clavien-Dindo classification to patients post-operatively, giving them an accurate score

REDCap and Data Safety

â—‹ Be able to keep patient data safe and secure at your hospital site

â—‹ Know how to login to the REDCap server for data entry to the IMAGINE project

â—‹ Know how to enter data for the IMAGINE project