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Table 5 Percentage prevalence of learner responses that aligned with thematic behaviors

From: An innovative pharmacology curriculum for medical students: promoting higher order cognition, learner-centered coaching, and constructive feedback through a social pedagogy framework

Thematic behaviors present in wiki small groups between 2014 and 2018

Mean Prevalence (+/− SD)

Learners acquired a conceptual framework for approaching pharmacology as a discipline

100% (+/−  0%)

Faculty provided external guidance that prompted further learning progress

79.5% (+/−  15.0%)

Learners reframed molecular or cellular information to a patient context

69.9% (+/−  17.3%)

Learners established a routine practice of self-directed assessment seeking

68.5% (+/−  14.0%)

Learners asked self-generated questions of one another

63.0% (+/−  17.5%)

Learners identified peer misperceptions or errors and provided gentle correction and guidance

57.5% (+/−  7.0%)

Learners accessed the literature base to provide evidence-based answers

54.8% (+/−  18.3%)

Learners applied their learning at weekly primary care clinical sites (MeSH)

24.6% (+/−  19.2%)

  1. Mean percentage prevalence (+/− standard deviation) of learner responses, that aligned with the thematic behaviors discerned during qualitative analysis, in the 73 wiki small groups that interacted with formative wiki assignments 1–15 and the final, summative wiki assignment between 2014 and 2018