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Table 1 Personal cognitive domain

From: Consensual qualitative research on the internship experience and development of career identity of Korean doctors




Personal cognitive domain

1) Self-reflection throughout internship training

a. Improved understanding of the clinical department

Typical (9)

b. Reduced fear through workplace-based training

Variable (2)

c. Self-awareness of career preferences

General (10)

2) Practical awareness of the internship programme’s operation

a. Recognising the internship programme’s necessity

Variable (4)

b. Dissatisfaction with simple labour transfer

Typical (6)

c. Dissatisfaction with training duration and limited number of training departments

Variable (4)

3) Perception of individual competence

a. Experience of the lack of general competency

Variable (3)

b. Worry about the limitation of future professional competency

Variable (3)