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Table 4 Clinical reasoning ability of students from semester 10 and from the final year according to individual items and factors

From: Assessing clinical reasoning in undergraduate medical students during history taking with an empirically derived scale for clinical reasoning indicators

Indicators of clinical reasoning ability

Semester 10 M ± SD

Final Year M ± SD

Semester 10 M ± SD

Final Year M ± SD

Cohen’s d


Taking the lead in the conversation

4.31 ± .45

4.39 ± .40

3.99 ± .42

4.12 ± .36



Putting questions in a logical order

3.89 ± .48

4.07 ±. 46

Specifying symptoms

3.78 ± .63

3.92 ± .46

Asking specific questions that point to pathophysiological thinking

3.77 ± .61

3.94 ± .46

3.69 ± .39

3.74 ± .31



Collected data and effectiveness of the conversation

3.57 ± .40

3.65 ± .30

Recognizing and responding to relevant information

3.74 ± .42

3.64 ± .43


1.98 ± .85*

2.46 ± .94

2.52 ± .68*

2.96 ± .74



Checking with the patient

3.06 ± .71*

3.46 ± .70

  1. * p < .05: significantly different compared to final year