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Table 2 Teaching methods in 2015 and 2017

From: A prospective study evaluating the integration of a multifaceted evidence-based medicine curriculum into early years in an undergraduate medical school

EBM teaching method in 2015

EBM teaching method in 2017

Standalone module over 12 weeks in first year

Integrated vertically and horizontally into the MBChB course

Didactic teaching

Interactive teaching

Focus on learning from textbooks and lectures

Technology enhanced learning/ blended learning methods integrated-- using videos, audios, online quizzes, TED talks and recorded lectures

Traditional model-Class rooms with a traditional style of instruction, using a lecture style followed by students working in small groups on an application task designed by the lecturer

Flipped classrooms introduced-video lessons, online collaboration discussions, research using online databases, knowledge enhancement using peer teaching and clinical problem solving

Small group discussions- focused on learning statistics

Small group discussion -focus on clinical case-based learning

Linear (modular) curriculum

Spiral curriculum-as students progress through the course, they learn the different steps of EBM and each time the previous steps are reinforced.