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Table 1 Students’ characteristics and mean PPOS-D12 scores at start of study

From: Does a home-based interview with a chronically ill patient help medical students become more patient-centred? A randomised controlled trial


All participants completing both surveys (n = 306)

Allocated to active intervention

(n = 150)

Allocated to sham intervention

(n = 156)

Female, number (%)

195 (63.7)

92 (61.3)

103 (66.0)

Personal experience of a serious chronic illness, number (%)

102 (33.3)

55 (36.7)

47 (30.1)

Had previously studied another subject as an undergraduate, number (%)

36 (11.8)

19 (12.7)

17 (10.9)

Contact with patients before starting at medical school, number (%)

108 (35.3)

59 (39.3)

41 (31.4)

Baseline PPOS-D12 score*, mean (SD)

4.19 (0.47)

4.25 (0.44)

4.14 (0.50)

  1. * The lowest possible PPOS-D12 score (most doctor-centred) was 1, the highest possible score (most patient-centred) was 6