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Table 3 Survey items where there were significant differences across pharmacy yearsa

From: Pharmacy students’ perspectives on the initial implementation of a teaching electronic medical record: results from a mixed-methods assessment

Survey Item

First year n (Mean Rank)

Second year (n, Mean Rank)

Third year (n, Mean Rank)

Chi-Square (p-value)

First year – Second year

Second year – Third year

First year – Third year

Overall, about how often did you use the tEMR during the 2017–2018 academic year?

47 (106.0)

55 (76.8)

53 (54.4)

40.974 (p < .01)

p < .01*

p = .01*

p < .01*

I have used the tEMR for the following medication-related activities.b

47 (76.3)

55 (98.9)

54 (59.6)

21.607 (p < .01)

p = .03*

p < .01*

p = .18

Using the tEMR better prepares me for my APPEs/P4 professional year.

47 (62.9)

54 (76.8)

53 (91.2)

10.803 (p = .02)

p = .32

p = .25

p < .01*

I have a generally favorable attitude toward using the tEMR for learning activities.

46 (71.9)

54 (68.2)

53 (90.4)

8.024 (p < .01)

p = 1.00

p = .02*

p = .10

What is your age in years?

46 (41.0)

52 (76.2)

53 (106.2)

57.303 (p < .01)

57.303 (p < .01)

p < .01*

p < .01*

What other EMR/EHR(s) have you been exposed to, if any? [Selected choice NONE vs. used at least 1 EHR.]

47 (56.6)

55 (67.6)

54 (108.7)

51.805 (p < .01)

p = .46

p < .01*

p < .01*

About how much exposure have you had from these EMRs in total (from previous question)?

47 (65.0)

54 (66.6)

53 (99.8)

21.938 (p < .01)

p = 1.00

p < .01*

p < .01*

  1. Abbreviations: APPE advanced pharmacy practice experiences, EHR electronic health record, EMR electronic medical record, P4 fourth year professional year, tEMR teaching electronic medical record
  2. *Significant difference between pharmacy class responses, p < 0.05
  3. aWhen appropriate, Chi-square or Kruskal-Wallis H tests were performed to determine any statistically significant difference across the three pharmacy classes’ demographics and survey responses. Total N = 156
  4. b “Select all that apply” question was transformed into a continuous variable with a minimum of 1 and maximum of 8