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Table 4 Estimated weighted average mark (%) from GLM ANOVA over levels 3 to 6 according to gender and mode of entry (quarantined / non-quarantined) for students who completed all 4 levels. Each GLM model also included entry category (non-standard entry, school leaver entry and graduate entry), a gender by entry category interaction term and year each level was completed as fixed factors

From: Relative progress and academic performance of graduate vs undergraduate entrants to an Australian medical school


Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6


 Female (N = 775)

71.52 ± 0.33

71.89 ± 0.20

73.84 ± 0.21

73.18 ± 0.18

 Male (N = 604)

69.83 ± 0.41**

70.38 ± 0.25**

69.72 ± 0.61**

71.19 ± 0.22**

Mode of entry

 Not quarantined (N = 1065)

72.24 ± 0.27

71.73 ± 0.17

73.35 ± 0.17

73.05 ± 0.15

 Quarantined (N = 314)

69.10 ± 0.43**

70.54 ± 0.26**

72.18 ± 0.27**

71.92 ± 0.24**

  1. Values are estimated mean and SEM from GLM ANOVA. Pairwise comparisons at each level, **P < 0.001