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Table 2 Comparison between students who wrote and who did not write multiple choice questions in Pathophysiology (third year of Medicine)

From: Randomized study showing the benefit of medical study writing multiple choice questions on their learning


Wrote questions (N = 109)

Not wrote questions (N = 120)


Results in General Pathologya

6.35 (5.26–7.06)

5.67 (4.83–6.52)




32 (29.4%)

41 (34.2%)



77 (70.6%)

79 (65.8%)

Results in the examb


5.34 (3.94–6.80)

4.34 (2.66–6.20)

<  0.001


4.81 (3.47–6.20)

3.74 (2.14–5.47)

<  0.001


4.67 (3.30–5.80)

3.87 (2.14–4.91)

<  0.001


6.14 (4.80–6.94)

5.05 (3.34–6.40)

<  0.001

  1. aIn the previous year (106 wrote questions; 112 did not), over 10 points
  2. bOver 10 points