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Table 6 Factors which influence and enhance behaviour change to implement JCs

From: Factors that influence the sustainability of structured allied health journal clubs: a qualitative study

COM-B Domain and associated factor

Behaviour Change Wheel

Intervention Functions

Implementation strategies


 Perceived relevance of topics linking to clinical practice


Environmental restructure

• Ensure group engagement during prioritisation of topics (consider topics that relate to current clinical service priorities or Quality Improvement projects)

• Longer time dedicated to discussion of application of evidence in each session.

• Skilled JC member facilitates discussion

 Clinician ownership, sense of responsibility & accountability


• Identify 2–3 clinicians to co-facilitate JC and holder of “JC portfolio”

• Presenting clinicians to follow up the action items & feedback at future JC sessions

 Perceived benefit of format



• JC members familiar with TREAT to share positive experiences with others

 Belief that participation in JC improves knowledge and skills in EBP



• Use of positive experience stories to encourage belief that capability increases with ongoing JC attendance and engagement

 Other clinicians encourage attendance prior to meeting


• Use of email reminders prior and electronic reminders in electronic calendars to prompt attendance and reduce double-bookings


 Staff changes including planned changes (eg rotations, planned leave & staffing availability) & emergent leave (eg sick leave & workforce shortages)



• Consider upskilling non-rotational staff to improve resilience during rotations (i.e. upskilling senior staff who do not rotate)

• Increase number of staff exposed to JC, in order to saturate skills across the workforce

 Competing demands leading to JC deprioritised due to clinical demands

Environmental restructuring


• Timetable of presenters with consistent time and place booked in clinicians’ calendars (updated electronically)

• Manager encouragement to engage in JC as part of professional responsibility

 Logistical administration of JC is established (time, venue, recurrent booking)


• Allocate a set time, use of regular room and time to reduce clashes

• Tie in meeting with another meeting,

 Manager expectation holds staff to account to prioritise JC attendance



• Departmental leadership to advocate and value JC attendance and see as core business

 Team culture values EBP


• Ensure consistent message of value of EBP via members & managers, including new starter orientation

 Increased participation by all JC members during group discussion


• Facilitator to encourage participation from all group members during group appraisal, where possible have face to face rather than VC to facilitate interaction

 Support from other clinicians in team


• Regularly review topic choice to check relevance of topic to current practice


 Awareness of how to access Library & academics


• Ensure Librarians available and engaged, to meet with JC and raise awareness of services available to JC members

 Knowledge from academic needs to be pitched at right level


• Academic must be skilled in ascertaining and monitoring learners in order to pitch information at a level appropriate to the skills and need of the JC members

 JC members guided to choose topics relevant to all members


• Provide support or education regarding how to prioritise topics and integrate into practice (i.e., relate to QI)

 Skill development (e.g., in critical appraisal, EBP and stats training, statistics, identifying study design)


• Access to regular training opportunities to ensure all staff have access to basic EBP training as they join a JC

• Academic mentor attends initially to facilitate session then assists JC portfolio holders to facilitate using “cognitive apprentice model” (particularly upskill in facilitation of club)

• Resources to support interpretation of study design and selection of CASP appraisal tool

• Through building depth of clinician skill, wider numbers of JC members will have opportunity to build skills and confidence in application of skills

 Access to academic or EBP-skilled clinician



• Academic or skilled clinician available to support JC members in provision of relevant knowledge on-demand.

• By providing direct guidance learner can be supported to move from peripheral to full participation. Guide must be able to ascertain readiness of the learner and be monitoring the learner’s development.