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Table 1 Performance during intubation under conditions A and B

From: Effect of an audience on trainee stress and performance during simulated neonatal intubation: a randomized crossover trial


Condition A (staff only)

Condition B (audience)

Difference A-B


Time to intubation (sec), mean (95% CI)

30.9 (27.7, 34.1)

34.8 (31.7, 37.9)

−3.94 (− 8.2, 0.4)

0.07 1

% heart rate increase over baseline (bpm), mean (95% CI)

38.4 (34.6, 42.2)

50.3 (45.3, 55.3)

−11.9 (−15.98, −7.78)

< 0.001 1

Number of successful intubations for all attempts (%)

39 (79.6)

32 (65.3)

0.14 2

Number of successful intubations on first attempt (%)

31 (63.2)

29 (59.2)

0.83 2

  1. bpm beats per minute, CI confidence interval, 1paired t-test, 2McNemar test