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Table 2 Coding scheme for qualitative analysis of items A1 and A2

From: Short-duration podcasts as a supplementary learning tool: perceptions of medical students and impact on assessment performance

Category label


A1. Did you find the 3-min videos helpful? Please elaborate


 • Challenge

Student refers to the ease/difficulty of concepts covered in 3MTLs

 • Learn

Student refers to a general learning aspect about 3MTLs

 • Revision

Student refers to a help/lack of thereof provided by 3MTLs for revision

 • Overview

Student refers to a help/lack of thereof provided by 3MTLs for topic overview

 • Study

Student refers to a help/lack of thereof provided by 3MTLs for studying the topic

 • Audio

Student refers to audio feature in 3MTLs that helped/inhibited learning

 • Visual

Student refers to visual feature in 3MTLs that helped/inhibited learning

 • Time

Student refers to a comment about time being a factor in 3MTLs

 • Help

Student refers specifically to help/lack of thereof provided by 3MTLs towards preparation for assessments


 • Compare

Student compares use of 3MTLs to another method of learning

 • Engage

Student refers to 3MTLs as being OR not being fun/enjoyable/engaging/interesting

 • Technology

Student mentions a technological issue with respect to using 3MTLs


 • Ease

Student refers to ease/difficulty with using 3MTLs

 • Control

Student refers to control of choice/pace in using 3MTLs

 • Graphics

Student refers to a comment about picture or animations in 3MTLs

 • Text

Student refers to a comment about text in 3MTLs

 • Language

Student refers to a comment about ease/difficulty about language used in 3MTLs

Rating scale: −2 = Very negative comment; −1 = Negative comment; 0 = Neutral or no mention; 1 = Positive comment; 2 = Very positive comment

A2. Do you have any suggestions to improve the videos?


 • Challenge

Student suggests about improvement related to concepts covered in 3MTLs

 • Learn

Student suggests about improvement related to a learning aspect about 3MTLs

 • Time

Student suggests a comment about increasing/decreasing time of 3MTLs

 • Number

Student suggests a comment about increasing/decreasing the number of 3MTLs


 • Compare

Student suggests improvement in 3MTLs in comparison to another method of learning

 • Engage

Student suggestion refers to improving engagement of audience in refers to 3MTLs (being fun/enjoyable/engaging/interesting)

 • Technology

Student suggests improvement with a technological issue with respect to using 3MTLs


 • Control

Student suggests about improvement to control of choice/pace in using 3MTLs

 • Graphics

Student suggests improvement about picture or animations in 3MTLs

 • Text

Student suggests improvement about text in 3MTLs

 • Language

Student suggests improvement about ease/difficulty about language used in 3MTLs

 • Audio

Student suggests improvement about audio feature in 3MTLs

 • Visual

Student suggests improvement about visual feature in 3MTLs

 • Clarity

Student suggests improvement about clarity of presentation in 3MTLs

Rating scale for A2: −2 = Needs major improvement; −1 = Needs minor improvement; 0 = Neutral or no mention; 1 = Just adequate at present; 2 = No further improvement necessary