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Table 1 Short descriptions of the list of the extracurricular activities in the survey

From: Participation in a scientific pre-university program and medical students’ interest in an academic career

Extracurricular activity



 Honors class

Educational program for excelling students in the first and second year of the bachelor degree

 First-year clinical elective

Short internship in clinical health care during the first year of medical school

 Anatomy program

Voluntary educational program focused on additional experience in the dissecting room

 Tropical medicine course

Internship in a developing country

 Education committee

Committee focused on the improvement of the quality of education

 University council

Council representing students in the university board involved in policy decisions

 Student year representation

Student group involved in the evaluation of the quality of education

 Student hospital job

Part-time job in the hospital for medical students who obtained all credits of the first year

 Clerkship council

Student board promoting the interest of medical students in their clerkships

 Student association member

Member of the student association of the medical faculty

 Committee student association

Member of a student committee involved in a specific topic (e.g., the yearbook)

 Board student association

Student board promoting the interest of members of the student association

 Credits in other programs

Obtainment of additional credits in courses outside medical school

 Clerkship abroad

Clinical experience in a hospital outside the Netherlands

 Clerkship other

Any other clinical experience


 Extracurricular research experience

Activities such as data collection, entry and processing and laboratory work

 Research master

Two-year research program parallel to and independent of the medical school master program

 Authorship scientific paper

Author or co-author on a paper published in a scientific journal


Obtainment of financial aid


Started a PhD project