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Table 1 Rubric to assess item relevance (adapted from Schuwirth LWT 2011, by Janssen-Brandt XMC, 2012)

From: Toward a better judgment of item relevance in progress testing


Not relevant

Somewhat relevant

Very relevant

Midwifery knowledge

General knowledge a layperson would know.

Specific to midwifery but also known to an interested layperson.

Requires a thorough study and understanding of the field of midwifery.

Ready knowledge

Not necessary to be remembered and can be looked up quickly.

Can be looked up quickly, but graduates should know it.

Needed at the ready at any moment of the day.

Incidence in practice

Not important for any midwifery (not just clinical) situation.

Only needed in rare or extreme practical midwifery situations.

Needed in many practical midwifery situations.

Prevalence or high risk

Found very rarely in midwifery practice or is low risk.

Not essential for managing high prevalence or high-risk midwifery situations.

Essential for managing high-prevalence or high-risk midwifery situations.

Knowledge foundations in the Midwifery curriculum

An isolated fact not needed to understand other concepts in the curriculum.

Necessary to understand other concepts, but can be forgotten.a

Forms the basis of one or more concepts and has to remain as explicit knowledge.b

  1. aE.g., Bohr/Haldane effect to understand why hemoglobin dissociates from O2 in the tissues and takes up O2 in the lungs
  2. bE.g., the Frank-Starling mechanism in the context of congestive heart failure, or for midwifery the labor mechanism in the context of abnormal position or presentation of the presenting part