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Table 2 Examples of APROCs in each area

From: Specific entrustable professional activities for undergraduate medical internships: a method compatible with the academic curriculum

APROC 1 Surgery: To provide care to the patient with surgical wound

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Skips asking the patient about risk factors relevant to the evolution of the surgical wound (background and comorbidities).

Identifies the patient’s risk factors and the evolution of the surgical wound through questions.

Asks directed questions to identify the risk factors for the evolution of the surgical wound.

APROC 3 Family Medicine: Prenatal and postnatal control

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Acknowledges in an incomplete manner the importance of preconception medical attention and its components, participates passively in preconception medical care.

Provides partial preconception medical care to female patient and her partner, promotion of sexual health, healthy lifestyles and identifies reproductive risk factors. Initiates prophylactic

supplements with folates, etc.

Requires constant supervision.

Provides full preconception medical care to female patient and her partner, sex-ed, promotes healthy lifestyles and identifies reproductive risk factors. Initiates prophylactic supplements with folates, etc. In context, under reactive supervision.

APROC 2 Gynecology and Obstetrics: Labor care

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Monitors and conducts labor using a laborgram.

Detects abnormalities during labor and proposes a confirmatory diagnostic and therapeutic plan.

Asks for support from health team.

Handles an eutocic delivery from induction to episiorraphy, under supervision. Makes delivery, explores uterine cavity and makes episiorraphy.

Identifies complications in next step.