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Table 1 Characteristics of supervisors for medicine, pharmacy and nursing

From: Student preparedness characteristics important for clinical learning: perspectives of supervisors from medicine, pharmacy and nursing

Characteristics of supervisors

Medicine N = 55

(%) (32)

Pharmacy N = 84

(%) (49)

Nursing N = 34

(%) (19)

Total Surveyed N = 173 (%)



32 (58)

32 (38)

4 (12)

68 (39)


23 (42)

52 (62)

30 (88)

105 (61)

Clinical practice experience (in years)a

 Currently in practice (group-1)

28 (51)

46 (55)

34 (100)

108 (62)

 Practiced in the past but not at present (group-2)

27 (49)

12 (14)

0 (0)

39 (23)

 Only during study course/training(group-3)

0 (0)

26 (31)

0 (0)

26 (15)

Years involved in clinical teachinga

 Less than 4 years (group-A)

11 (20)

49 (58)

9 (26)

69 (40)

 5–9 years (group-B)

15 (27)

28 (33)

5 (15)

48 (28)

 More than 10 years (group-C)

29 (53)

7 (08)

20 (59)

56 (32)

  1. aThere were non-respondents
  2. Number (N=) and percentage (%)