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Table 1 Cultural dimension definitions and characteristics [9]

From: Exploring the influence of cultural orientations on assessment of communication behaviours during patient-practitioner interactions




Extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally (refers to family, school, community, workplace, etc.)

Uncertainty avoidance

Extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations and avoidance of such situations (expressed through nervousness and a need for predictability/rules)


Extent to which dominant values in society are masculine (in masculine societies gender roles are distinct whereas is feminine societies gender roles overlap)


Extent of ties between individuals (ties are loose in individualistic societies but integrated and cohesive in collectivist societies)

Long-term orientation

Extent of long or short-term orientation in life (long-term oriented people value persistence, thrift, sense of shame, and order; short-term oriented people value personal steadiness and stability, protecting oneself, respect for tradition, and reciprocation of greetings, favours, and gifts)