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Table 2 Knee Physical Examination

From: Validity evidence for two objective structured clinical examination stations to evaluate core skills of the shoulder and knee assessment




Technique Adequate




0 1 2

Gait, alignment, popliteal fossa

 Supine position, knee adequately exposed

0 1 2

Alignment, atrophy, lesions, scars, erythema


0 1 2

Full extension, medial/lateral gutters


Range of Motion

 Extension/Flexion 0–140°

0 1 2


 Hip IR (30°) and ER (60°)

0 1 2




 Flex to 90° with heel resting on table

0 1 2


  Quadriceps tendon

0 1 2


  Patellar tendon

0 1 2


  Tibial tubercle

0 1 2


  Lateral joint line

0 1 2


  Lateral femoral epicondyle

0 1 2

(proximal LCL and ITB)

  Fibular head

0 1 2

(distal LCL)

  Medial joint line

0 1 2


  Medial femoral epicondyle

0 1 2

(proximal MCL)

  Medial tibia

0 1 2

(distal MCL)

  Pes anserine bursa

0 1 2



Stability Testing

 Posterior Cruciate Ligament

  Posterior Drawer

0 1 2

Knee flexed to 90°

Examiner stabilizes foot

Thumbs on anterior tibia, translate posterior

 Anterior Cruciate Ligament

  Anterior drawer

0 1 2

Knee flexed to 90°

Examiner stabilizes foot

Thumbs on anterior tibia, translate anterior

Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Lachman Test

0 1 2

Knee flexed to 30°

Hands near joint line

Anterior tibial translation

Medial Collateral Ligament (Valgus stress)

0 1 2

30° flexion

Lateral Collateral Ligament (Varus stress)

0 1 2

30° flexion


Provocative Testing

 Meniscus Testing

  McMurray Test

  Medial Meniscus

0 1 2

Fingers on posteromedial joint line

Full knee flexion

External rotation sweep and slow leg


  McMurray Test

  Lateral Meniscus

0 1 2

Fingers on posterolateral joint line

Full knee flexion

Internal rotation sweep and slow leg extension

Patellofemoral Assessment (knee in extension)

  Palpation of medial and lateral patellar facets

0 1 2


  Patellar Compression Test

0 1 2

Active quadriceps contraction

Repeat with posterior patellar compression

IT Band Assessment

  Noble Compression Test

0 1 2

Palpate lateral femoral epicondyle

Passive knee ROM (pain at 30°)

  1. IR internal rotation, ER external rotation, LCL lateral collateral ligament, MCL medial collateral ligament, ITB iliotibial band