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Table 3 ACE students’ completion of their individual learning plan goals and objectives and their perceptions of the ILPs

From: Can Individualized Learning Plans in an advanced clinical experience course for fourth year medical students foster Self-Directed Learning?

Survey items

Overall (n=48)

Completely achieved ILP goals and objectives

‘No’ (n=25)

‘Yes’ (n=23)

ILP helpful in structuring ACE learning objectives (Rate 1–5), no. (%)

 1-3 ratings

12 (25 %)

10 (40 %)

2 (9 %)

 4-5 ratings

36 (75 %)

15 (60 %)

21 (91 %)

ILP helpful in organizing goals for career (Rate 1–5), no. (%)

 1-3 ratings

19 (40 %)

15 (60 %)

4 (17 %)

 4-5 ratings

29 (60 %)

10 (40 %)

19 (83 %)