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Table 2 Final templatea

From: Utility of learning plans in general practice vocational training: a mixed-methods national study of registrar, supervisor, and educator perspectives

1. Identifying learning needs

 a. Drivers of learning

 b. Barriers to identifying registrar learning needs (gaps in knowledge & skill)

 c. Learning needs missed by registrars

2. Addressing learning needs and learning planning

 a. Role of registrars

 b. Role of supervisors

 c. Role of medical educators

 d. Role of training providers

3. Formal learning plans

 a. Perceptions of learning plans

  i. Negative

   1. Bureaucratic exercise

   2. Unsuitable for some learning styles

   3. Questioning the need for a learning plan

   4. Lack of buy-in

   5. Unsuitable for adult learners

   6. Does not work in practice

   7. Exposing registrar weaknesses

  ii. Positive

   1. Good way to store, document, or reflect on learning needs

   2. Brings focus to learning

   3. Value of learning plans not being appreciated until later

   4. Promotes learner reflection

   5. Helpful for remediation

   6. Encourages independent thinking and self-directed learning

   7. Good idea at a macro level

 b. Supervisor & ME perceptions - how learning plans are supposed to be used

 c. Registrar use of RTP formal learning planner

  i. As intended by RTP

  ii. To meet requirement but did not find it helpful

  iii. Under-used the learning plan

  iv. Created their own learning plan (uncommon)

 d. Facilitators to learning planner use

 e. Barriers to learning planner use

4. Suggestions for improvement

  1. aThird and fourth level codes from categories 1–2, 4 have not been included here for brevity. Category 3 (in bold) is presented in this paper