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Table 2 Open coding and categorisation of transcription data according to interview topic

From: Supervising international students in clinical placements: perceptions of experiences and factors influencing competency development

Interview topic

Raw transcript data

Open code generated


Placement experience

“I think they’ve taught me a lot about the way I communicate”

IS teach me about the way I communicate

IS inform my teaching and practice

“Trying to unpack what it was that I was doing differently, or what it was that I was doing, which was quite interesting for me to think about as well”

Interesting for me to think about unpacking what I was doing

Competency development

“Communication was difficult because of their English as a second language issues. So I guess it was specific to them being international”

Communication issues related to ESL were specific to IS

English language competency

“For me it’s about the quality of the English spoken”

Challenges re quality of the English language spoken