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Table 3 Description of the EPA “Conducting an internal medicine ward round” (short version) with competences, sub-competences and related CanMEDS roles

From: Medical ward round competence in internal medicine – an interview study towards an interprofessional development of an Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA)


Internal Medicine


Conducting a ward round in internal medicine


Conducting the daily ward round in an internal medicine department, starting with the preparation.

CanMEDS domains of competence

Communicator (Com), Medical Expert (ME), Manager (M), Collaborator (Coll), Professional (P), Scholar (S)

Competences and sub-competences

CanMEDS domains of competences


Diagnostic process and therapy planning (including adequate communication)

Com, ME, Coll, M


 - Capability to gather information about the patient including different information such as medical records, communication with patient and team and focused physical examination.


 - Capability to analyse given information.


 - Capability to make decisions with the patient about his/her further treatment and discharge from hospital in a time efficient way.


 - Capability to exchange information with the ward round team before and after the ward round, including documentation in patient’s record.


 - Capability to inform the patient about further treatment and discharge from hospital.


Empathy (including adequate communication)



 - Capability to recognize the necessity for empathy in physician-patient interaction.


 - Capability to be empathetic in physician-patient interaction, if necessary.


Leadership skills (including adequate communication)

Com, Coll, M


 - Capability to involve the team in the ward round process.


 - Capability to assign tasks to team members.


 - Capability to lead the patient especially via communication.


Management of difficult situations and faults (including adequate communication)

Coll, M


 - Capability to recognize, assess and react to interruptions of the ward round.


 - Capability to recognize, assess and react to ward round faults.


 - Capability to recognize and react to conflicts within the team in the course of the ward round.


 - Capability to recognize and react to conflicts with the patient in the course of the ward round.


Organization competence (including adequate communication)

Com, Coll, M


 - Capability to ensure a structured ward round process including preparation, consultation with the patient and the team.


 - Capability to ensure a sufficient time management by adapting the duration of the ward round to patient’s needs as well as on the occurrences of the day, focusing on relevant aspects in physician-patient communication and avoiding interruptions.


Professionalism (including adequate communication)

Com, Coll, P


 - Capability to ensure reliable behaviour towards the team and the patient.


 - Capability to ensure a respectful physician-patient relationship.


 - Capability to be aware of one’s own facial expression and gestures.


 - Capability to adapt one’s usage of language.



ME, Coll, S


 - Capability to assess own personal and professional limits, and to react if necessary.


 - Capability to assess own actions in a self-critical way.


 - Capability to remain calm and professional in difficult situations.


Teaching and learning abilities (including adequate communication)



 - Capability to convey knowledge to students by involving them in the ward round process and discussing patient cases.


 - Capability to improve own knowledge through reflection of the ward round, in total or in specific cases.


Assessment procedure

Conducting a ward round in a training environment with self- reflection and feedback.

  1. aLoS = Level of supervision: (1) Observation but no execution, even with direct supervision, (2) Execution with direct, proactive supervision, (3) Execution with reactive supervision, i.e., on request and quickly available, (4) Supervision at a distance and/or post hoc, (5) Supervision provided by the trainee to more junior colleagues [18]