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Table 1 Construct subscales and sample items

From: Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design



Sample items

Career maturity inventory

Career decisiveness

I have made a decision to engage in what kind of work in the future.

Career confidence

I was worried that I could not find an expected job.

Career independence

No matter what others say, I think I will choose the career I prefer to.

Career value

The most important factor I would consider in career choice is money.

Relational dependence

I would make a career choice in accordance with my parents’ expectation.

Career reference

I want to communicate with people in my interested occupational field.

Multidimensional-multiattributional causality scale

Attributions of academic achievement

Ability: The most important factor for getting good grades is my ability of learning.


Effort: I attributed my good grades to efforts.


Contextual factors: Sometimes I got a good grade just because of the easy contents of the course.


Luck: Sometimes I have to rely on luck to get the success of examination.


Attributions of affiliation

Ability: Getting along with people is a skill.


Effort: Efforts are needed to maintain friendship.


Contextual factors: Whether I enjoy a social occasion almost completely depends on the characteristics of others.


Luck: Making friends is mostly a matter of taking my chance.

General future time perspective questionnaire

Behavioral commitment

I am gradually moving forward to finish my plan on time.

Future efficacy

I am confident of my future.

Far-reach goal orientation

I often imagine the goal I am to achieve in five years.

Future purpose consciousness

I often feel living without an aim.

Future image

I know there are a lot of tasks to be done in the future.