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Table 4 Students perceptions of the best features of TBL (n = 19)

From: Implementation of team-based learning in year 1 of a PBL based medical program: a pilot study

Best features of TBL


Student comments

No. of similar comments

The tests, both IRAT and TRAT motivated student to prepare, which made the session more engaging.

“Team based tests created competition, and more motivation to prepare well”

12 (63 %)

“Being forced to do pre-reading/pre-study made more feel more confident during the TBL session”

Small group size

“The group discussion in the small groups (5) was very conducive to learning and overall participation in sessions”

7 (37 %)

The presence of the facilitator and format of the session ensured accurate information, immediate feedback.

“Having a knowledgeable tutor who could focus discussion was very valuable. …gave immediate feedback. We were able to have accurate information about the questions. In PLB we are unsure whether the information we provide is entirely correct”

6 (32 %)

Time efficient

“The TBL format was shorter than a PBL session, which was good because the PBL session felt too long for the content provided”

6 (32 %)