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Table 5 Summary of results qualitative analysis

From: Critical features of peer assessment of clinical performance to enhance adherence to a low back pain guideline for physical therapists: a mixed methods design


PA Program tasks and subtasks

Perceptions of the PA program

Determinants of PA affecting perceptions

Facilitators for learning and change

Learning Processes

Learning Outcomes


PA Program


Change in attitudes toward guidelines.

Awareness of professional limitations.


Study manual


Update of knowledge.


Perform task in PT role

Fear to expose professional competence.

Tight time schedule.

Training in the PT role.

Uncovers weakness.

Awareness of gaps in professional performance.

Reinforces strength.

Stimulates reasoning aloud, self-assessment and critical reflection.

Challenge of obtaining performance feedback.

Improved self-confidence in arguing for choices.

Role play format.

Group safety


Receive peer feedback


Peer feedback is concrete, concise, critical and personal.

Reveals strength and weakness in clinical performance.

Improved self-efficacy beliefs in managing LBPa patients.

Shows improvement areas. Reveals new reasoning perspectives and performance alternatives.

Varied group composition

Stimulates self-assessment and critical reflection.


Receive simulated patient feedback


Reveals how interventions are perceived from the patient perspective.


Receive external coach feedback


External coach poses challenging questions, guides the PA process, facilitates giving and receiving feedback, provides non-judgmental, concise feedback, monitors the time schedule, maintains group safety.

Reveals new reasoning perspectives and performance alternatives.

Stimulates self-assessment and critical reflection.


Receive written feedback and scores


Stimulates self-assessment and critical reflection.


Observe peer performance


Modeling peer performance.

Reveals new reasoning perspectives and performance alternatives.

Improved self-confidence in managing LBP patients.


Provide oral feedback


Training in the assessor role.

Triggers being concrete and concise in reasoning aloud.

Shared quality standards of performance.

Elicits discussion over criteria.


Provide written feedback and scores



Design change plan


Guides improvement process.



Perform task in Simulated patient role

  1. aLBP low back pain