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Table 2 Evaluation procedures mapped to the components of the theoretical framework

From: Evaluating multisite multiprofessional simulation training for a hyperacute stroke service using the Behaviour Change Wheel

Evaluation framework component


Policy context

Review of London Stroke Model; Pan-London guidance for stroke protocols; stroke education framework; HASU nurse competencies

Intervention level: training design, content and delivery

Examination of course materials including scenario outlines, learning objectives, presentations, pre-course material

Direct observation of n = 4 HASU course days

Video and audio playback of n = 4 course days

In depth face-to-face interviews with faculty (n = 6)

Behavioural level: behaviours and change techniques

Direct observation of n = 4 HASU course days;

Video and audio playback of n = 4 course days;

In depth telephone interviews with course participants (n = 23: 12 doctors; 11 nurses; varying time since course [1–9 months])

Administered participant surveys before and after the course (n = 152)

Outcomes: behaviours and reflections

In depth face-to-face interviews with faculty (n = 6)

In depth telephone interviews with course participants (n = 23)

Administered participant surveys before and after the course (n = 152)