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Table 1 Clinical knowledge pre-post short answer questions

From: Simulated learning in musculoskeletal assessment and rehabilitation education: comparing the effect of a simulation-based learning activity with a peer-based learning activity




Please list the four muscles which comprise the rotator cuff:


Please list the range of motions (ROM) normally assessed on the shoulder:


Please name the orthopaedic test which pushes the supraspinatus tendon against the anterior surface of the corocoacromial ligament with patient sitting or standing, shoulder flexed to 90 degrees and then internal rotated without resistance by the patient:


The sulcus sign/inferior test is use to determine which shoulder pathology:


Scapulohumeral rhythm consists of integrated movements of which areas of the shoulder complex:


Early exercise interventions concentrate normally of 3 areas. Please list 1 of these areas:


The application of alternating isometrics and rhythmic stabilization techniques is designed to develop strength and stability of proximal muscle groups in response to shifting loads. Please briefly outline what is meant by this:


It is imperative that the proximal stabilizing muscles of the thorax, neck, and scapula function properly before initiating dynamic strengthening of the muscles that move the glenohumeral joint through the ROM to avoid faulty mechanics. Please briefly outline what is meant by this:


As soon as the patient develops control of scapular and humeral motions and the basic components of the desired activities without exacerbating the symptoms, you need to initiate specificity of training toward the desired functional outcome by progressing the strengthening exercises to maximum resistance concentrically and eccentrically. Please provide a summary of what this concept entails:


The shoulder girdle functions in both open- and closed-chain activities, and therefore the muscles should be trained to respond to both situations. Why is this important: