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Table 2 Inter-Rater agreements and Intra-Rater (Stability Coefficient) Effects

From: The Temporal Rating of Emergency Non-Technical skills (TRENT) index for self and others: psychometric properties and emotional responses


Introduces and interacts with patient

Focuses on colleagues not self

Attends and reacts to environment

Avoids taking the lead

Offers social support

Stability Coefficient

.17 (N =58)

.52** (N =62)

.56*** (N =66)

.26* (N =76)

.43*** (N =76)

Inter-rater agreement

.35** (N =63)

.34** (N =61)

.56*** (N =65)

.23* (N =76)

.03 (n = .73)

Self-Peer 1

.22 (N =72: p = .07)

.00 (N =68)

.03 (N =74)

.11 ( N =81)

-.06 (N =72)

Self-Peer 2

.02 (N =71)

-.03 (N =77)

-.09 (N =71)

.32** (N =75)

-.03 (N =76)

  1. Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01 *** P < .001.