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Table 1 Learning objectives from Humanities and Medicine courses.

From: Humanities for medical students? A qualitative study of a medical humanities curriculum in a medical school program

Text Study and Creative Writing

   • Illumination of historical problems through analysis of central works of fiction.

   • Knowledge about a selection of central literary works' cultural and literary background.

   • Orientation to the perspective and methods of literary theory.

   • Development of creative writing skills with literature reading as background.

   • A complementary goal for all education within the humanities is the ability to correctly use the Swedish language in speech and writing.

Life, Love and Death

   • Development of knowledge of human experience so that more meaningful consultations with patients can be held and the quality of health care improved.

   • Development of a "double view" on human problems.

   • Familiarity with the main arguments in the current debate in the sphere where medicine and the humanities meet.

Airbags for the Culture Clash

   • A safer platform to stand on in meeting with other cultures.

   • Development of the ability to feel curiosity and openness when meeting difference.

   • Development of the ability to put oneself in another's place and speak another's opinion.

   • Ability to lead a simple negotiation.

   • Familiarity with the debate on education that is held around the subject of college education.

   • Familiarity with the ideas behind the Humanities and Medicine project.

Science and Reliable Experience

   • Development of an inclination to ask the question "How does one know?"

   • Development of a critical position to individual knowledge.

   • Acquaintance with basic concepts, ways of thinking and methods within the different sciences and under different epochs in order to create understanding of scientific diversity and to stimulate cross disciplinary research.