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Table 1 Student evaluations, open-ended feedback for blended learning semester

From: Effects of a blended learning approach on student outcomes in a graduate-level public health course

Response category

Percentage of responses

Effective course components


  Online lecture-ette segments



  Example: “I found the video lecturettes to be extremely effective.”

  In class activities/discussions


  Example: “Class discussions/activities to provide real-world context of the theories/ideas”


  Online learning support materials (reading questions, road maps)


  Example: “I feel the weekly road maps and the questions posed prior to the readings and lecture-ettes were particularly helpful and served as a form of study guide.”


  Weekly online learning journals


  Example: “Weekly learning journals were a good way to make us go over what we learned that week, making it easier to remember.”


Suggested course improvements


  Learning journals


  Example: “The learning journals got tedious as things in the semester began to pick up.”


  Readings (most comments about length, amount, “dryness”, difficulty)


  Example: “ Some of the readings required for class were dry and hard to pull out the key concepts without going over them in class.”


  Balance of in class activity to in class lecture time


  Example: “Blended course structure that included somewhat more brief in-class lecture would be helpful, at least for my personal learning style.”


  Group project (most comments about how to structure/grade) Example: “I would suggest no group project. Group projects are the worst and take way more time to complete than individual projects.”


  1. Note: content categories in table represent any categories included by more than 10% (n ≥ 4) of students.