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Table 1 Descriptives of the five teacher profiles

From: Five teacher profiles in student-centred curricula based on their conceptions of learning and teaching


Means (S.D.) (N = 319)

Teacher profiles


Transmitters (N = 19)

Organizers (N = 80)

Intermediates (N = 70)

Facilitators (N = 65)

Conceptual change agents (N = 85)

Teacher centredness

3.43 (.56)

4.06 (++)

3.81 (+)

3.76 (+)

3.25 (-)

2.78 (- -)

Appreciation of active learning

3.85 (.52)

2.72 (- -)

3.45 (-)

4.16 (+)

3.91 (=)

4.17 (+)

Orientation to professional practice

4.23 (.46)

3.44 (- -)

4.23 (=)

4.50 (+)

3.77 (- -)

4.54 (+)

Medical schools:


Maastricht (N,% over 5 profiles)


6 (4.4%)

23 (17.0%)

24 (17.8%)

26 (19.3%)

56 (41.5%)

Amsterdam (N,% over 5 profiles)


13 (7.1%)


46 (25.0%)

39 (21.2%)

29 (15.8%)

  1. The mean scores and standard deviations for the three scales ‘Teacher centredness’ , ‘Appreciation of Active Learning’ and ‘Orientation on future practice’ are provided for both the total group respondents (2nd column) and for the five teacher profiles. Also the distribution of the five profiles across the two medical schools is presented.
  2. For ease of interpretation we added plus (+ or ++), minus (- or --) and (=) signs as a reference to the mean scores of the three COLT scales. A plus sign (+ or ++) indicates that for this teacher type the mean score is (much) higher than the overall mean score of all teachers on that scale, minus (- or --) refers to a score (much) lower than the overall mean score, and (=) signs refer to a score almost equal to the overall mean scores.