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Table 1 Content of IDK-Qs

From: Dunno if you've any plans for the future: medical student indirect questioning in simulated oncology interviews

Content categories


Medical/treatment questions (N = 24)

I don't know if you know more or less of what it consists or not at all [chemotherapy and radiotherapy] [S11] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have any, any a priori, if you have heard about, about chemotherapy [S13] - FP, FS, CS

*I don't know if your attending physician has explained you that it would be more difficult to treat [if the ganglia were affected] [S14] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have also other questions concerning this matter [the treatment] [S23] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you know a bit of [chemotherapy], if one has already talked to you [S24] - RP, FS, CS

*I don't know if you knew [about the prognosis] [S28] - RP, FS, PS

I don't know what questions do you have about this [the proposed treatment] [S28] - RP, FS, PS

*I don't know if you know what this is [a CT (scan)] [S28] - RP, FS, PS

I don't know if you know why we called you [S31] - RP, MS, PS

*I don't know if you know what this means [immunodepressed] [S34] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have already heard about these words [chemotherapy and radiotherapy], if you know what this means [S34] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have any questions about what comes next or about the chemotherapy treatment [S41] - FP, FS, PS

I don't know if you have any questions about that [chemotherapy and radiotherapy] [S43] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have any questions about these two treatments [chemotherapy and radiotherapy] [S44] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you have any questions [about chemotherapy and radiotherapy] [S45] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if maybe you don't want to speak about or to the contrary you want to speak about [the side effects of chemotherapy] [S45] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you have already heard about [radiotherapy] [S49] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if for you it, it suits you as treatment [S49] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you want me to talk to you about it [chemotherapy side effects] [S50] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you have already heard about chemotherapies [S53] - FP, FS, CS

*I don't know if you knew [that the treatment has to be pursued] [S53] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know how your are feeling today after this surgery [S57] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you want to talk about it today [therapeutic means] or if you rather want to take time to think about it at home [S61] - RP, FS, PS

I don't know if you already know a bit what it is [chemotherapy] [S63] - RP, MS, PS

Lifestyle/psychosocial questions (N = 18)

I don't know if, if you want to come to the next appointment with one of your relatives, who, who can support you or if you want to come alone [S2] - RP, FS, PS

I don't know if you are an employer [S2] - RP, FS, PS

I don't know if you have any, some plans for, for the future [S6] - RP, MS, PS

I don't know if your (family/friend) circle if they know what you have or [S11] - RP, FS, CS

*I don't know if you work [S11] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know what you prefer to do in what follows [S11] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know concerning your son what you want to do [S11] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know actually you how you like that it happens [S24] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know how you feel [S28] - RP, FS, PS

*I don't know if you work or [S35] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know what kind of job you have, what you are [S36] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have special enough relationships with your family doctor or with someone who knows a bit of your situation [S39] - RP, MS, PS

I don't know you how you feel [S44] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know what you do (for a living) [S44] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you want him to come [the patient's son] to the next meeting, to one of the next sessions or if rather not [S45] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you would like to, I mean, to make an appointment with your relatives as well such that we can talk about it all together [S53] - FP, FS, CS

I don't know if you prefer [that the nursing staff explains the situation to the patient's children] or maybe come to the next appointment with your family [S61] - RP, FS, PS

I don't know if for you it's awkward [the hair loss] [S63] - RP, MS, PS

"Inviting questions" questions (N = 11)

I don't know if you have any questions about, about anything, how, how it will happen [S6] - RP, MS, PS

I don't know if you have already questions now [S11] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have any questions [S44] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you have other questions that come to mind [S45] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you have other questions, other things to ask me or other worries [S46] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have also a precise question now [S50] - RP, MS, CS

I don't know if you have other questions [S51] - RP, MS, PS

I don't know if you have until now any questions [S53] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have any questions [S53] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have already like that if you have something to ask me [S59] - RP, FS, CS

I don't know if you have other questions [S61] - RP, FS, PS

  1. * IDK-Qs with precise information request
  2. RP/FP: Rising Pitch/Falling Pitch
  3. FS/MS female student/male student
  4. CS/PS curative scenario/palliative scenario