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Table 2 Baseline characteristics and stratification of the study population

From: Global Health Education: a cross-sectional study among German medical students to identify needs, deficits and potential benefits (Part 1 of 2: Mobility patterns & educational needs and demands)

Baseline characteristics and stratification of the study population (N = 1126)





Age (yrs) (M ± SD)

23.5 ± 2.4 (n = 1096)

Age > 30 yrs

3.0% (n = 30)

Level of study (terms) (M(SD)

7.0 ± 3.4 (N = 1126)

   Term 1-4 (1st and 2nd year)

31.2% (351/1126)

   Term 5-8 (3rd and 4th year)

37.7% (425/1126)

   Term 9-12 (5th and 6th year)

25.6% (288/1126)

   Terms above 12

5.5% (62/1126)

Student Mobility


International health electives (IHE)


   IHE-yes (all terms)

33.0% (370/1126)

   Frequency of participation in IHE



60.0% (221/370)


25.0% (92/370)

   Three times

15.0% (57/370)

   IHE-no (all terms)

67.0% (756/1126)

Exposure to educational interventions


Participation in Global Health (GH) courses


   GH-yes (all terms)

9.0% (106/1126)

   GH-no (all terms)

91.0% (1020/1126)

Participation in Tropical Medicine (TM) courses


   TM-yes (all terms)

16.0% (175/1126)

   TM-no (all terms)

84.0% (951/1126)