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Table 1 Steps designed based on problem-based learning

From: Impact of virtual problem-based learning of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on fourth-year nursing students’ satisfaction and performance: a quasi-experimental study

Educational steps

Activity title

Activity description


Clarification of ambiguous concepts

Each group explains the vague and unknown concepts of the problem to itself.


Define the problem

Each group seeks appropriate information, regardless of irrelevant details, and expresses the problem in its own language.


This step is the rain of thoughts or brain

Each group records its initial responses without evaluating them.


Problem analysis

Each group tries to divide the problem into manageable parts.


Division of responsibility

Each member of a group is responsible for answering the problem and finding a solution.


Individual study and finding

Answer for the problem

Each person uses different sources to find answers. Then the people of each group come together and by reviewing the collected answers and comparing them with the initial answers presented in the third step, they summarize the answers and prepare a summary of them for presentation in the group in the WhatsApp software environment.


Providing solutions and giving reasons

Each group shares its findings.